Tuesday, July 13, 2021

What is business stationery?

Business Stationery is one of the most essential elements a company should adopt in giving itself a corporate image and identity given the business is looking to increase its customer base. Business stationery helps in easily identifying your business through logo designs and company name prints on all letter heads. 

Customer’s first impression about your service quality begins with brand presentation. Branding starts with a unique logo and a tagline. And then printing that branding on every stationery in the office. Businesses have gone as far as having their own printed coffee mugs and tea shirts for their employees; a walking talking advertiser.

Choosing business stationery that positively represents your firm and the image you want to project sets a precedent in the eyes of your contacts. Establishing trust is crucial to gaining and retaining customers. The primary goal of business stationery is to project a favorable and professional image of the organization.

When communicating with clients and other businesses, the first thing people notice is your business stationery. Business cards are also the first thing potential clients see from the company when they meet them for the first time at a meeting or conference.  Read More….. 

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